Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Once Again
Kittens and puppies given as Christmas gifts face a huge chance of all kinds of behavioral problems as time goes on. Most times, they are taken from their mothers too soon. Then they are removed from their siblings one at a time. Kittens could fare better as they can run and hide from all the hub bub of activity. But that also creates a setting for some serious problems down the road. Kittens and puppies need to be introduced to their new environment slowly and with lots of attention and love.
Who is going to housebreak the puppy on Christmas Day? The poor little thing won't have a clue. And will get in trouble for doing things it shouldn't. Same for the kitten. The wonder of a Christmas tree and all it's shiny toys is an invitation to play. Tinsel is dangerous for animals to swallow. Certain plants are toxic.
Please, if you are considering getting a puppy or kitten for Christmas for someone, or know someone who is planning to get one for their child for Christmas, beg....I mean BEG them not to do it until after all the celebrations are over and life is back to "normal" for them. Unless you know they are like me and don't celebrate the holidays. Then a kitten at anytime is welcome with love, attention and patience. (A puppy too)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
And then the Wignuckets
Friday, December 19, 2008
Once, a very very very long time before time, there was a tiny little village in the deepest, darkest forest. Mostly inhabited by wood sprites and fairies, but out of the way and far away from the sprites and fairies, lived the Wignuckets.
There was a reason the Wignuckets had to live out of the way and far away. They farted. ALOT and not only were they SMELLY, they farted in colors!!! Different colors!!!
There was a king. His name was King Wiggerberrydo. He farted the most. And he didn't fart in just one color, his farts were of the most beautiful rainbow colors. That is why he was the king. Only the one who was found to produce the rainbow farts ever could be king.
And that is only the beginning of their story......................................................
Really Mad Baba
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
An Amazing World
The world today is such an amazing place. I cannot believe the speed with which the world of technology had moved forward. To think back to my own childhood and teen years and the difference there is today. Children can access their parents at a moments notice. From anywhere!!! Everyone has a cell phone it seems. And I remember how badly I wanted a Princess phone in my room. My best friend had one, I wanted one too. But alas, no. How excited I was at my first transistor radio. Rather big and bulky, but then I got one of the pocket sized ones!!! It was amazing.
Then when I got my first 8 track player. As time went on things started changing at a faster and faster rate. I remember Pong. I remember PacMan. I remember video game arcades.
And now. Games that could be interactive movies, they are so realistic. And fun. And the iPod Shuffle my granddaughter gave me! AWESOME!!! I love it.
Even for young children today. They have such a step up in learning. So many things are available to develop their minds in ways never imagined. As amazed as I am with the generation of my grandchildren, I hope I am around to see the generation of my great grandchildren. The accomplishments of the generations to come is boundless. It is a joy to watch things that were only dreams of moviemakers and SciFi writers become reality. And even better than they could have imagined.
What an awesome time to be alive.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A Song

Does anyone know why? I do.
Friday, November 21, 2008
No Such Thing
There is no such things as ghosts. What happens when someone crosses over? Are animals on the "Other Side"? I believe animals also have souls. Why wouldn't they? Wouldn't any living thing have a spirit? Every creature on earth and beyond? And then ask the there life out there? Of course!!!! How arrogant for us to believe that we are the only life in the universe!!!
There are no ghosts. But be aware of the visits from the other side. In dreams they visit. The feelings we get down deep in our hearts are their voices talking to us. Listen to them. People don't need a medium ( or a large, for that matter) to connect us to those loved ones who have crossed over. You just have to pay attention to the signs they leave for us. They are with us constantly. In our hearts, always. Believe that.
But there is no such things as ghosts.
Friday, November 14, 2008

Watching the movie Platoon. If ever there was a movie to give a real feeling of Vietnam, it is this one. How did we not "win" there? Too many lives lost, too many lives changed for it not to be a winning situation. You can't leave things undone or they will come back to haunt you. And we don't want that to happen in Iraq or Afghanistan. If we liberated Iraqis and Afghan people, we need to make sure they stay liberated. Of course, it is up to the people of those countries to not let them fall to the dictators and religious crazies who took their freedom away.
No, we aren't and shouldn't be the world police. People should all have the freedom to live as they please. But we cannot let people be held prisoner by those who only wish for power over those weaker than themselves. What I don't always understand is why, if we go in like we did in Iraq, how do we justify not saving the people who deserve to live free in Darfar, Burma, North Korea, Congo....and on and on. All I can say is that when we start something, we need to finish it. Or lives lost were lost for nothing.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Dog Whisperer
Friday, October 10, 2008
Spiders and Flies

Out of the Darkness

Talk, talk, talk. If you feel like you just can't do it anymore,
tell someone.
Listen,listen, listen. If a friend needs to talk.
We know the pain. We will do all we can to help.
We understand.
Give us a chance to help you see that there is Light
We found it somehow. We might have found it in you. We want to have the chance to tell you that.
You are LOVED
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Cat thoughts
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Ah, Tonight

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Bailing out WHO?

And then let the banks fall where they may. It is down here in the trenches that keeps this country moving. Not the fat cats with all the money.
Tell the FAT CATS that they have to go on a diet. Just like we, the people, have to do.
I am tired of their talk. I am tired of politics blaming the other guy. What a bunch of buffoons.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Today's Rant
I just don't get it. If they can make hybrid cars, why isn't that the only cars they make? Why bother with the gasoline only cars? Only make hybrids and everyone who buys a new car HAS to buy a hybrid. And DUH! sooner or later, everyone will be driving a HYBRID car!!!!
And if Clorox is making all these GREEN products, why not only make the GREEN products? Again, DUH.......if that is all you make, then that is all there is to buy. How hard is that?
That just makes me want to rant all day long.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Why...In My Room

I watched, with great interest, the first Presidential Debate. I am biased, I will admit. I love Obama. I think he is articulate, professional, and LOOKS like a President. I am not fond of John McCain at all. I respect what he has given for his country in a war that we didn't win. But to me, he represents the Old Guard in Washington.
As evidenced by the conditions in this country, the most serious conditions, we need new blood. We desperately need a new vision. We need a new direction. McCain will only give us more of the same. I can see that in what he says.
I was also put off by his refusal to look at Senator Obama. And for his condesending grins at inappropriate times. He isn't funny and he shouldn't try to be. It comes off bad and childish. He created no confidence in me whatsoever in anything he said. He, frankly, scares me. And what was with all the I, I, I he kept dwelling on. No, this isn't the man to lead this country.
Obama is. He is so well spoken and is totally grasping the pain down here in the middle and lower class. Although it does trouble me that neither speaks to the lower classes. The ones that are suffering the very most. McCain wants to freeze spending on EVERYTHING while giving out $700 billion that we have to BORROW to bail out the bad guys. Since when do we reward bad behavior? OH I forgot.....that is the Old Guard in Washington. This country needs Obama. We need Obama.
I clearly think Senator Obama made the best showing last night.
On the other hand, I think both candidates should have picked better running mates. Senator Biden, although I believe he has a right to say what he feels, is sometimes putting the foot in the mouth. Sarah Palin, however, talks to interviewers like she is talking to the PTA. Not the "maverick" I want as second in command. I am extremely anxious to see her debate Senator Biden.
We don't need "mavericks" in the White House. We need sensible leadership. And for that, we need to choose Obama.