Friday, November 21, 2008

No Such Thing

There is no such things as ghosts. What happens when someone crosses over? Are animals on the "Other Side"? I believe animals also have souls. Why wouldn't they? Wouldn't any living thing have a spirit? Every creature on earth and beyond? And then ask the there life out there? Of course!!!! How arrogant for us to believe that we are the only life in the universe!!!

There are no ghosts. But be aware of the visits from the other side. In dreams they visit. The feelings we get down deep in our hearts are their voices talking to us. Listen to them. People don't need a medium ( or a large, for that matter) to connect us to those loved ones who have crossed over. You just have to pay attention to the signs they leave for us. They are with us constantly. In our hearts, always. Believe that.

But there is no such things as ghosts.

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