Thursday, December 11, 2008


Everything on this earth is connected with strings we cannot see. Like the strings in a spider web. And like a spider web, what we do to one part of the web affects all the rest of the web.
Chief Seattle said: “Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.” Any time you have a chance, search Chief Seattle. His quotes are powerful and have much meaning for the people of today's world.
We must care for the web of life. We must care for the earth. We are the keepers of the string. If we break the string, we cannot find our way.


planned confusion said...

you made my day(:

ingers! ingers! ingers!
teehee, i like that.

Zachary Levickas said...

indeed. we need to care for eachother. we are all so precous and yet we allow eachother to feel worthless sometimes . its sad. but like a web . we all need to support eachother