Sunday, December 7, 2008

An Amazing World

The world today is such an amazing place. I cannot believe the speed with which the world of technology had moved forward. To think back to my own childhood and teen years and the difference there is today. Children can access their parents at a moments notice. From anywhere!!! Everyone has a cell phone it seems. And I remember how badly I wanted a Princess phone in my room. My best friend had one, I wanted one too. But alas, no. How excited I was at my first transistor radio. Rather big and bulky, but then I got one of the pocket sized ones!!! It was amazing.

Then when I got my first 8 track player. As time went on things started changing at a faster and faster rate. I remember Pong. I remember PacMan. I remember video game arcades.

And now. Games that could be interactive movies, they are so realistic. And fun. And the iPod Shuffle my granddaughter gave me! AWESOME!!! I love it.

Even for young children today. They have such a step up in learning. So many things are available to develop their minds in ways never imagined. As amazed as I am with the generation of my grandchildren, I hope I am around to see the generation of my great grandchildren. The accomplishments of the generations to come is boundless. It is a joy to watch things that were only dreams of moviemakers and SciFi writers become reality. And even better than they could have imagined.

What an awesome time to be alive.


1 comment:

Эндий said...

I HAVE SEEN THAT POSTER!! or at least heard the phrase...i love it :)

and i totally agree...i cant wait to see what my lifetime shows because technology is growing so so quickly. i cant wait :)
