Monday, May 31, 2010

And I ask

Why is it when they decided to drill, baby, drill in the deep water...they had no plan on what to do if something goes wrong? And why are there violations written for mines, drilling platforms and anything else that is "monitored". Who monitors the monitors? I don't understand.
I saw a show on TV today and they were showing film of a fire in a factory. The problem was that the factory had 45oo lbs of magnesium inside. Which burns at 4000 degrees. It cannot be put out with water. Water would only make the fire worse. They must use a special powder to put out the flames from magnesium. The fire department didn't have ENOUGH powder to put out the fire. Why would they NOT have enough powder in case of a fire????
These things just drive me crazy. Why wasn't there a plan for the problem with the BP deep well? Wouldn't you think they would be prepared for anything?
Is it me, or am I just nit picking.
Peace out

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