Friday, February 26, 2010

Wild Animals

Why are people so shocked when a wild creature that we are keeping in captivity goes wild? Is it right that we keep them for our own amusement? Can humans ever really take the wild from their instincts? And no matter how nice we make their our isn't their natural habitat. And then to make them do tricks.
Is it their fault that their natural instincts take over if they see something that resembles prey? Of course not. The chance the human takes in treating them like pets.....which they are not.
Yes little baby lions and tigers and bears (oh my) are so so so CUTE....They do grow up to be very large and dangerous predators. And that is what they are. Predators. We think we are at the top of the food chain. I beg to differ.
We don't need to see wild animals doing tricks.
And when something happens that is totally natural for the animal, blame the humans, not the animal.

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