Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wart Hogs....

This is a picture of the A-10C Thunderbolt, respectfully called Wart Hog by it's pilots. She ain't pretty but she is packed with firepower. She is one awesome plane.
My neighbor across the street is a Wart Hog pilot. He used to be an F-16C pilot, but now commands the controls of a Hog.
I was lucky enough to care for his family's Golden Retriever this week. And since I would not accept any kind of payment for this service, Thursday and Friday I got a Wart Hog fly-by!
I can hear them coming from upriver and have enough time to jump up on my computer chair and look out the little window above my computer and watch them fly by! I know it was my thank you for taking care of Honey...
I love it.

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