Sunday, September 27, 2009


Can one become immortal without becoming a vampire? And since I can pretty much guess that I am not going to get that opportunity, how long will I be remembered?

I remember my great grandmother. I am quite sure my grandchildren will remember their great grandmother. But they don't know MY great grandma. My Baba. They have seen her picture, but they will never know how loving, sweet, gentle and cuddly she was.

I hope that I live long enough to be a great grandma. But I would have to be a grandma first. At least if I live long enough to be a great grandma, there will be great grandchildren who will remember me.

And what will they remember about me? Will I be so old when they meet me that I will just be some old lady?

And by the way....why does time go so fast after you hit 50? I will be 59 soon and wonder if it will continue rolling fast downhill? What a scary thought.

Time moves too fast now.

Slow time down and let me be immortal.

Peace out


Эндий said...

lucky for you i am a good storyteller and will be able to tell generations to come about the best baba ever :D
plus people these days are in luck thanks to the information age. this blog will be on the internet forever. and facebook and myspace and all those crazy things.

Baba said...

I love you my storyteller....keep me alive forever.