Does anyone know why? I do.
Just the ramblings of an old cat woman
There is no such things as ghosts. What happens when someone crosses over? Are animals on the "Other Side"? I believe animals also have souls. Why wouldn't they? Wouldn't any living thing have a spirit? Every creature on earth and beyond? And then ask the question.....is there life out there? Of course!!!! How arrogant for us to believe that we are the only life in the universe!!!
There are no ghosts. But be aware of the visits from the other side. In dreams they visit. The feelings we get down deep in our hearts are their voices talking to us. Listen to them. People don't need a medium ( or a large, for that matter) to connect us to those loved ones who have crossed over. You just have to pay attention to the signs they leave for us. They are with us constantly. In our hearts, always. Believe that.
But there is no such things as ghosts.
Watching the movie Platoon. If ever there was a movie to give a real feeling of Vietnam, it is this one. How did we not "win" there? Too many lives lost, too many lives changed for it not to be a winning situation. You can't leave things undone or they will come back to haunt you. And we don't want that to happen in Iraq or Afghanistan. If we liberated Iraqis and Afghan people, we need to make sure they stay liberated. Of course, it is up to the people of those countries to not let them fall to the dictators and religious crazies who took their freedom away.
No, we aren't and shouldn't be the world police. People should all have the freedom to live as they please. But we cannot let people be held prisoner by those who only wish for power over those weaker than themselves. What I don't always understand is why, if we go in like we did in Iraq, how do we justify not saving the people who deserve to live free in Darfar, Burma, North Korea, Congo....and on and on. All I can say is that when we start something, we need to finish it. Or lives lost were lost for nothing.