Saturday, August 21, 2010


Today, while listening to a talk show on the radio, a caller who was a police officer in Phoenix, Arizona called in. He had served two tours in Iraq and one in Afganistan while in the military. And here was his point:

He spent three years guarding the borders of other countries. As a police officer in Phoenix, he had arrested one particular man three times for driving drunk without a license. An illegal. And each time, the man was let go. Not turned over to immigration, not even tried and sent to prison! The officer was livid. He went to his superiors. They said.....just learn to deal with it. That is the way it is.

We are spending billions defending borders of other countries. We are ignoring the problem right here in the USA.

So, what else is new, I guess?

Friday, August 6, 2010


1. An armed man is a citizen. And unarmed man is a subject.
2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
3. COLT: The original point and click interface.
4. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
5. Gun control isn't about guns, it is about control.
6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
7. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
8. If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.
9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
10. The United States Constitution (c) 1789. All Rights Reserved.
11. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
12. The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the others.
13. 64,999,987 gun owners killed no one yesterday.
14. Guns have only two enemies; Rust and politicians.
15. Know guns, know peace. No guns, no peace.
16. You don't shoot to kill, you shoot to stay alive.
17. 911- government sponsored Dial a Prayer.
18. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
19. Criminals love gun control - it makes their job safer.
20. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
21. Only a government that is afraid of it's citizens tries to control them.
22. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
23. Enforce the "gun control laws " in place, don't make more.
24. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.
25. The American Revolution would have never happened if the colonists had submitted to Gun Control Laws.
26. At least Mothers Against Drunk Driving are smart enough NOT to have gone after cars as the problem.